Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grace. Thanksgiving. Joy.
As long as 'thanks' is possible, 'joy' is always possible.

"Charis also forms the root of the Greek word chara, meaning joy. Those three words...grace, thanksgiving, joy...come together. In all circumstances, even in our greatest trial, we can receive from Him this sustenance. Now served to us with nail-scarred hands, first we taste of grace—that He delights in us in His generous benevolence. Then we savor it with thanksgiving that both springs up from our spirit and nourishes us right down to our souls. And our dessert? Joy! Joy...from thanksgiving...from grace, freely bestowed on us."

So, I've been searching for my 'one word'. A word to live by this year instead of resolutions. A friend told me about a book called 'One Thousand Gifts'. I am in chapter 3, but feel I need to begin again. So much to take in. This word 'Eucharisteo' sticks with me. Gnawing at my soul, my inner being. Entering my thoughts each day. Over and over. A lesson to be learned this year? God speaking to me in His silent gentle whisper? I think so. 
I have a strong sense that this year is a year of change for me. A year for 'movement'.
I know the very things that will stand in the way of change for me. Chains that keep me weighed down. Doubt, insecurity, negativity. I am hard on myself. I know I cannot move forward on my journey, in my faith, in what God has in store for me, until I rid myself of these chains. The few powerful words I have read in 1000 gifts, have led me to see that I can't be full, full of joy, until I appreciate all the small blessings around me. Blessings I overlook daily. Thank God daily, for these blessings. I started to open my eyes this past year as I started getting more serious about my photography. Through my lens. It's been a precious journey thus far. But what about the things
I can't see?

So this is the word I shall embrace this year.

In every blog post I write I will include my blessings. Hoping to reach 1000 by 2013.
My blessings may not make sense to anyone else, but they will be mine. Written down forever. For my children and childrens' children to one day cherish and remember me by.

I encourage you to find your word. Search yourself and embrace it.


1)The mess I woke up to, reminds me I have a family to care for.
2) Warm sun on my face.
3)Bubbling white cheese toast, reminds me of Nani.
4)Strong hug from my almost 18 year old, love that he still hugs me.
5)Softness of youngest sons hair and that he still lets me run my fingers through it as he lays on my lap.
6)Hearing from Mama.
7)New budding friendship.
8)Relaxing sound of my knitting needles clicking as I knit.
9)Blogging and the inspirational women I get to encounter.
10)Found courage.


  1. Shay, I knew you'd love that book. I am finding so many things in the book that cause me to stop and think. I am making myself find joy every day and everywhere. I am so glad God put you in my life. I am excited to continue to walk on this journey with you! ~W~

  2. "One Thousand Gifts"....going to go look for it today myself. Sounds like a blessing between two covers. Thank you for the mention. Have faith in yourself to be free of chains! I so look forward to seeing and learning what changes are in your future my friend :)

